Thursday, January 3, 2008

Getting going again

Happy New Year everyone!

Let's get the blog going again in the new year. What have people been working on? Comments on the fall seminars? Hopes for spring seminars? Conferences attended? Job market updates? Seminar papers you want to submit but want some feedback first?

Over the winter break, I am working on dissertation material. Mainly trying to get back into the flow of dissertating, but also trying to get up to speed on various viewpoints in practical reason--to better differentiate my project. To that end, I've been reading Millgram's Varieties of Practical Reason and his collection of essays Ethics Done Right. Also, I'm reading relevant parts of Nozick's Nature of Rationality, Searle's Rationality in Action, and Schmidtz Rational Choice and Moral Agency.

Other than that, I am prepping my spring courses. Rockford starts up again on the 14th, so I don't have much time.


Joe Kim said...

Thanks Shawn for keeping this blog up, sorry I haven't contributed much. Let's see, I'm also working on my dissertation. It's on internalism/externalism and issues on epistemic disagreement, including religious disagreement. Reading the usual stuff by Plantinga, Williamson, Feldman/Conee, Goldman, and the new epistemic disagreement stuff by Kelly, Elga, Christiansen, etc. The biggest challenge for me is to be a stay at home dad while my wife works to pay our bills. It's hard to switch between the ABC's and epistemic justification sometimes.

Has it been difficult for you prepare to teach all those courses while working on your dissertation? (It's a good problem to have since that means you have a job!)

Shawn Klein said...

It is very difficult. The class prep bears down on you and demands your immediate and constant attention. The dissertation requires so much focus and big blocks of time. It is hard to make that time(or keep to your schedule).

I didn't get much of anything done in the Fall--I underestimated the prep time and got backed up because of some personal issues. I didn't catch up until near the end of the semester. We start up against next week. I hope to have the first week or two prepped for each class. I have some large chunks of time blocked off for dissertation work. My plan is to stick to that time irrespective of the needs of the classes. I hope it works!

pjs said...

I am just now wrapping up "The Moral Problem," by Michael Smith. It has been mind boggling thus far. The best thing about it is that it's a very condensed summary of standard positions in metaethics plus criticism and Smith's own substantive view. The worst thing about it is that it's so condensed - pages fly by and I get that feeling that, if I think I'm understanding it, I've got to be wrong. I think I will go cry in the corner now.