Welcome to the ASU Philosophy Graduate Students group blog. This is place for graduate students to post ideas, papers, presentation drafts, etc. for discussion and comments by our fellow graduate students. It is open to the public to read, but only members of the blog can post and comment. If you are a member of the ASU Philosophy department and would like to participate please let me know: shawn (dot) klein (at) asu (dot) edu.
Each post should have a label appropriate to post topic. For example, let's say I have a paper on Philippa Foot's arguments against moral subjectivism and non-cognitivism. Well, some appropriate labels would be: Philippa Foot, non-cognitivism, meta-ethics. Let's keep Ockham's razor in mind and not multiply labels beyond necessity. Try to use labels already in use.
Test - I have never blogged before...
Welcome Sandra!
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